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Premature ejaculation cures

The speed of a man’s ejaculation is determined genetically according to Utrecht University neuropsychiatrist, Dr Marcel Waldinger, and pharmacological researcher, Paddy Janssen, who have scrutinized a group of Dutch men with premature ejaculation. Shame may play a part – so, if you know you have sexual shame issues, see a therapist or counsellor.

You can read the results in detail in the celebrated international scientific periodical, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, but here is an outline of their research.

Waldinger and Janssen took 89 Dutch men who suffer from premature ejaculation in its primary form that is men who have always had this problem.

Waldinger pointed out that the study applied only to men who have ejaculated prematurely right from their first sexual experience and does not include men who started with the problem later on in life.

There was also a control group of another 92 men. The experiment was conducted at home and lasted a month, during which time the female partners used a stopwatch to measure the time from penetration to ejaculation every time they had intercourse.

Having listed the men in order of ‘speed’, the next step was to examine their individual genetic makeup.

The results were surprising but interesting. In those men who suffer from premature ejaculation, the monoamine neurotransmitter ‘serotonin’ appears to be less dynamic between the nerves in the part of the brain that controls sexual function and ejaculation.

This substance is one of the many brain chemicals linked to sexual activity and desire. Its function is to transfer signals from one neuron to another, but due to the minimal activity of serotonin in men with the primary form of premature ejaculation, this signal transfer does not take place properly.

Waldinger and Janssen say that a gene which had already been discovered, that is 5-HTTLPR, seems to be responsible for the quantity and activity of serotonin, which in turn means that this gene controls the rapidity of ejaculation. There are 3 types of this gene known as LL, SL and SS.

The study shows that the LL type causes a very quick ejaculation so that on average, men with LL ejaculate at twice the speed of men with the SS type, and also they are almost twice as fast as men with the SL type.

This is just a preliminary result. The researchers are now looking for other genes that may be involved in the ejaculation process.

Marcel Waldinger has always opined that premature ejaculation was not psychological. As early as 1998, he predicted, with the aid of experimentation, that both the speed with which men ejaculate and the primary form of premature ejaculation were determined by the individual’s genetic makeup.

So far he has stood alone in his theory that contradicts the prevalent idea that premature ejaculation in its primary form is a psychological disorder. The results of this new piece of research confirm the genetic theory and may in future contribute to the treatment of premature ejaculation by means of gene therapy.

A spray on delay for PE

Sufferers from premature ejaculation will be interested in a great new pharmaceutical product which was recently unveiled at the 104th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association.

It is called PSD502, a new topical spray, which is claimed to be a safe and effective medication for premature ejaculation.

The scientists who researched the product, Doctors Wyllie, Heath and Dinsmore, presented their data on the spray’s capabilities within a presentation of their 3 phase, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment.

This is the background to the study. One of the current treatments for premature ejaculation is the squeeze technique.

Another consists of a topical cream with desensitizing properties which muffles the sensitivity of the penile skin and therefore delays ejaculation.

This is very effective but this cream requires the use of a condom plus you need to wash it all away before intercourse and moreover it may reduce sexual pleasure.

The researchers have invented a new topical spray, which consists of an aerosol fusion of lidocaine and prilocaine, which they can prove to be effective and simple to use.

This new medication is applied five minutes before intercourse. It works by selectively desensitizing the penile skin, acting only the non-keratinized skin, which is the interior lining of the foreskin and the exterior of the glans. It works without adversely affecting the sensation of ejaculation.

Delay spray

The study worked like this. The researchers chose 300 men with premature ejaculation, diagnosed under the guidelines of the International Society of Sexual Medicine that is having an intravaginal ejaculatory latency time of a minute or less.

The participants were divided into two groups, one group used the PSD502 spray and the men in the other group were given a placebo spray.

Each man had to the spray he was given five minutes prior to sexual intercourse. Both groups were equal in having an average standard of 0.6 minutes latency time before ejaculation.

The result proved the efficacy of the PSD502 spray. The PSD502 group had an average latency time of four minutes while the placebo group improved but only up to one minute.

The spray was well tolerated by both the men and their partners, and there were very few reports of systemic events or serious adverse side effects. The PSD502 group reported 2.6% of treatment-related adverse events and the placebo group reported 1%.

The study was succinctly and accurately summed up by Dr Ira D. Sharlip of the American Urological Association. He said that premature ejaculation is one of the most prolific of all man’s sexual dysfunctions. It strikes at between 20% and 30% of men of all ages and social groups.

An effective, patient-friendly treatment for this terrible problem is urgently needed. This amazing new topical spray has the potential to become one of the modern world’s most effective treatments for cases of PE.  But, as of July 2020 it is still not available anywhere…..

Curing Premature Ejaculation

You Can Control Premature Ejaculation

The simple truth is that comparatively few guys who have a rapid ejaculation problem will seek treatment for it, and this can lead to considerable discomfort, both emotional and physical, within a sexual relationship.

After all, the one thing premature ejaculation suggests is that a man doesn’t care about his partner sufficiently to find a cure for the problem and overcome it. For another, the woman may interpret his rapid ejaculation as an “abandonment”, since premature ejaculation tends to bring sex to an abrupt end, often when the couple are in the middle of intercourse, with the woman still feeling emotionally connected to her partner.  And nothing is more important to a woman than the knowledge that her man loves her – the Lover archetype is a powerful force in the feminine psyche, and emotional wounding in the lover archetype here will always make a woman feel insecure.

However you regard it, therefore, premature ejaculation is an unfavorable sexual dysfunction to have within a relationship, and it’s to everybody’s advantage that a suitable treatment program should be found.

I’m glad to say that my sex therapist colleague Lloyd Lester has developed an extremely successful treatment for premature ejaculation, which I recommend highly. This treatment is based upon the principles of sex therapy, as used in a one-to-one clinical setting by sex therapists with their clients. He’s a bit of a Magician, is old Lloyd, being one of the most successful sex therapists on line. Read more about emotional wounding in the magician archetype here.

It takes several treatment approaches and blends them into a single effective and powerful strategy of overcoming premature ejaculation. The main components of this treatment program are:

1 Behavioral modification techniques to ensure the man has a behavioural repertoire that gives him the greatest chance of overcoming premature ejaculation.

2 Cognitive modification techniques using techniques such as NLP and self hypnosis to ensure that the man has sex with the maximum chance of overcoming any tendency whatsoever to ejaculate quickly.

3 Physiological techniques that allow the man to exercise greater control over his own arousal, including, for example, the use of the pubococcygeal muscle to control the rate at which his arousal increases, and to slowdown his approach to the point of ejaculatory inevitability. In this context, it’s worth mentioning that although many so-called authorities on the Internet have recommended squeezing the PC muscle as the man approaches the point of no return, regarding this perhaps as an effective strategy to control the premature ejaculation, the truth is – it’s a completely ineffectual way of controlling ejaculation, and simply doesn’t work.

The only way to use the PC muscle to control rapid ejaculation is to squeeze it gently in the run-up to the point of no return, and by doing this, a man will find his arousal diminishes, his erection softens, and the degree of excitement he’s feeling significantly lessens.

All of this information can be found in an excellent treatment program written by my colleague Lloyd Lester, which explains information here — it’s called Ejaculation by Command — and it really works well for men who aren’t fully aware of their level of arousal during intercourse, or who find that the speed at which they approach ejaculation seems uncontrollable, and far too rapid.

Premature ejaculation can certainly be a real handicap between man and woman in a relationship. It is only by seeking a cure, and sticking rigidly to the treatment protocols that a man is likely to stand any chance whatsoever of overcoming premature ejaculation; it when he does so, the rewards are far greater than you might expect, simply because sex is made so much more relaxed, and so much more enjoyable for both partners.

The outcome of treatment for premature ejaculation is usually extremely successful when the man and his partner both combine to take part in the treatment, and work as a team to ensure that man has the maximum chance of overcoming his sexual dysfunction.

Let me assure you that in all the treatment programs available on the Internet, I have never found such reliable and good information as is available in the one to which I have linked above. Lloyd Lester is an extremely experienced sex therapist, who I know personally, and with whom I have worked on many projects over the years.

He’s a researcher who has taken a great deal of trouble to investigate all of the currently recommended treatment programs for premature ejaculation, and has clearly identified the ones that work, combining them into a single holistic strategy that offers great hope for sexual pleasure for all men and women everywhere.

By examining the contents of his treatment program, Ejaculation by Command, you should be able to establish fairly rapidly which parts of it are suitable for you and your partner, and thereby you will be able to establish treatment protocol for yourselves which is ideally suited to your particular experience of premature ejaculation.

The author of programs available 24/7 to offer support and advice to all customers who have purchased this product; this is particularly valuable benefit for you, and should allow you to gain maximum advantage from the treatment program.

What I would say is that in the context of any treatment sexual dysfunction, it’s essential to ensure that you have adequate support, so do not attempt to solve the problem without the support of your partner, which is an essential prerequisite for all men who may find themselves seeking help for dysfunction.

Without the support of your partner, it’s unlikely that the treatment program will succeed, because the exercises which you engage in to ensure that you’re not going to ejaculate before your level of arousal is as high as it can possibly be, will be impossible to practice without her help.

in general, treatment for premature ejaculation is highly successful, and it’s surprising how few men actually seek help — apparently the average time for a man who has this dysfunction to seek help is six years, which is a truly shocking statistic, but perhaps understandable in view of the embarrassment and shame which it engenders.

Understanding A Lack Of Stamina In Bed


Men learn to get aroused by using pornography, where the focus is obviously external to themselves.

And often porn is so arousing that they don’t have any hope of controlling their sexual responses anyway. I’m not sure whether this is a factor in limited bedroom stamina, but I think there might be something in it.

What I do know to be true is the fact that during sex you actually have to pay attention to what’s happening between you and your partner, keeping your focus on how you feel and on how she’s responding to what you’re doing to her.

When you’re “in the moment” like this, sensing everything that is happening, you are much more aware of how aroused you are.

This means you have a much greater chance of being able to control your level of arousal – and hence your staying power – by changing what you’re doing with your partner – e.g. switching to something that actually turns you on less, until your arousal has leveled off, and you can continue without danger of ejaculating unexpectedly.

Now, suppose that you have a high level of resentment, frustration, or stress in your relationship: it makes sense that if you try making love it’s not going to be as successful as it would be if you were feeling emotionally close and intimate with your partner.

For one thing, you’re already feeling emotionally aroused and, as we’ve seen above, that will affect your sexual responses.

And for another, who would actually want to be making love to somebody with whom they feel angry? Doesn’t it follow that you might just come quite quickly because subconsciously you simply want the experience to be over with? (Could this be why so many men lack endurance in the bedroom?)

I suspect the same is true of men who have a deep-seated conflict with women or a deep-seated lack of trust in women – and I can tell you, once again from years of experience with hundreds of men, that those two things are extremely common.

There’s another factor at work here, which is the widespread belief that men should be able to have sex with any woman who seems to be willing. The truth is, as I learned when I used to run an advice line for adolescents, that the body never lies.

Young men who were not confident about sex, or who were not ready to have intercourse, or who had been seduced into sexual situations by an older partner when they really didn’t want to make love, all found that their erections would mysteriously disappear, even though they were turned on, at the point where intercourse is about to start.

I mean, the truth is this: they didn’t have the staying power or the ability to last longer in the bedroom because they didn’t want to be there… in short, they didn’t want to be having sex with the person concerned, and their penis made it impossible for it to happen.

I rather suspect the same thing happens to men later in life, but the way in which the mind makes its true feelings clear is by causing premature ejaculation. Then we seek an explanation for what looks like a lack of bedroom stamina and staying power. We go on a search for ways to increase staying power. For techniques which will show us how to last longer in bed….. and they may not work!

And finally of course there’s good old sexual performance anxiety, from which we’ve all suffered at times. The sexual pressure on men is considerable. Not just to go to bed with any willing woman, but also to take her to orgasm, to be responsible for her orgasm in fact, to last long enough in bed, and to show that they are sexually competent in every way.

No wonder men get anxious about sex! With that weight of responsibility on their shoulders who wouldn’t?

And anxiety from all these things can stimulate a man’s level of sexual arousal to the point where the threat to self-esteem if he gets it wrong is so great that he just feels anxious about making love.

Feeling anxious will cause a rapid ejaculation, which then reinforces his self-doubt and anxiety, setting up a vicious circle of negative expectation and quick ejaculation which can be quite hard to break – unless you have the right techniques and tools at your disposal.

A similar cause of anxiety is the worry about being able to satisfy a sexual partner. One of the ways that this can be dealt with is to give her an orgasm through oral pleasure or masturbation before intercourse begins.

Needless to say anything anything else that causes anxiety about sex, be it fear of sexually transmitted infections, fear of getting a woman pregnant, fear of losing your erection, and a million other things, can also cause rapid ejaculation – or at least they can be factors in its genesis.

Causes of Low Bedroom Endurance

If you’re a man struggling with premature ejaculation, you might be wondering what’s actually causing it.

Search the Internet, and you’ll quickly find lots of reasons put forward to explain the origin of poor male stamina, but while there is a lot of speculation, there aren’t many hard facts.

One thing we can say is that all cases of poor stamina and low endurance in the bedroom fall into one of two causes: psychological or emotional causes (aka psychogenic), and the physical causes (also known as organic).

To be quite honest, I think we can dismiss the physical causes of rapid ejaculation pretty quickly because although there’s been a lot of scientific research done on things like hypersensitivity of the penis, the truth is that there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that rapid orgasm in men is caused by physical factors.

Video: The causes of premature ejaculation

To say that a man has a hypersensitive penis is fairly meaningless because it’s the brain that processes the nerve impulses from the penis. (Those nerve impulses cause a man’s sexual arousal to increase and they eventually trigger his ejaculatory reflex).

A man’s sexual arousal may rise too quickly, too high for him to contain his climax.

This is what happens to many men who experience poor staying power, low endurance and rapid ejaculation. But you can’t say this is happening because his penis is sending too many nerve impulses, or because the threshold of excitability of his nervous system is too low.

All you can say for certain is that his brain is causing him to get aroused too quickly and triggering his ejaculation reflex too soon!

(Although of course exactly what “too soon” means is another matter altogether. In evolutionary terms, rapid ejaculation is probably no bad thing; I mean, who wants to get killed by a predator when they are fucking! But nowadays it’s bad for the human female because she remains unsatisfied after intercourse.)

Even analyzing brain chemistry, and finding that men who ejaculate quickly have higher or lower levels of serotonin than men who do not means nothing.

What does masculinity mean to you?

When a man is emotionally aroused – i.e. excited, nervous, angry, or feeling any other high level of emotion – his nervous system is already on high alert even before he starts receiving sexual stimulation.

It’s no wonder that in such a situation a man who is anxious or angry or even just very excited tips over the point of ejaculatory inevitability too quickly.

Masturbation Style May Be Important

You could perhaps argue, as some experts have done, that premature ejaculation is a behavioral or learned response, for example in response to furtive and rapid masturbation as an adolescent.

This suggests that a boy can “train” his body to respond far too quickly to sexual stimulation – and he goes on responding that way as a man……

Sure, this seems like a plausible argument. For some men.

But for most men, there is an emotional factor controlling a man’s ejaculation speed (at least in part).

So learning how to last longer, in other words, discovering how to increase sexual endurance and develop greater staying power means learning how to cope with receiving high level (or high-intensity) sexual stimulation without “popping” too soon.

And to be quite honest, that is one of the easiest things of all about learning ejaculatory control.

Sidebar: One of the problems here is that men sometimes think they can learn how to last longer in bed with a pill or potion, a herbal remedy or a delay cream. The truth is that none of those things actually work.

Video – how to deal with PE


A large proportion of the pills and potions sold on the Internet contain no active ingredients of any kind whatsoever (shock horror!)…..

…. and even the ones which include anesthetic creams and lotions to spray onto the penis do not solve the root cause of the man’s rapid ejaculation.

For while anesthetic products may slow a man’s ejaculation down – although a lot of the men I’ve spoken to over the years tell me that this doesn’t happen anyway – the usual experience of men using such products is that they  feel absolutely nothing!

I mean, for the sake of a minute or two of extra intercourse, for such a slight increase in staying power, is it worth it?

Especially when you’ll most likely end up with a penis which is very sore and irritated because of the inflammation caused by the chemicals you’re putting on the most sensitive part of your body.

Psychological or emotional factors as a cause of rapid ejaculation

To start with, what I  mean by emotional or psychological factors are things like

  • anxiety about sex
  • anger towards your partner
  • a lack of confidence in bed
  • and perhaps shame or guilt about sex from childhood experiences
  • or furtive masturbation during adolescence!

These explain the majority of cases of PE.

Young men come quick! Their lack of staying power, their inability to last longer in bed, is almost certainly the result of a lack of endurance.

Most young men ejaculate rapidly when they begin to have sex because they’re so excited, they’re inexperienced, and they’re very nervous.

All of these things cause the nervous system to fire nerve impulses very rapidly; this plus high levels of sexual arousal, forms such a powerful force that the young man has little chance of controlling himself when he enters his partner.

I think most men will understand this!

What’s perhaps harder to grasp is the fact that any high intensity emotion causes the nervous system to be primed and overactive even before you begin to make love.

That’s why even a little stimulation can make a man lose control of his ejaculation and give the impression he has not staying power. With PE he shoots his load too quickly. He’s just getting too aroused, too quickly.

So what’s the difference between men who have good control of their ejaculatory responses and men who cannot last long enough in bed?

I suspect that men who know how to last longer in bed don’t have many hangups or inhibitions about sex. They’re confident in their own sexuality, they’re confident with women, and they have a real sense of being in control during lovemaking.

And the good news is any man – YOU – can learn to increase stamina and increase staying power so you can control the physical response of your body to sexual stimulation.

You can develop ways to make your sexual arousal increase more slowly and stay below the point at which you will inevitably ejaculate.

You can learn to be confident during sex, simply by learning the techniques that allow you to pleasure your partner successfully.

You can learn not to get so turned on during intercourse by using masturbation exercises to train your body to slow down its response to stimulation.

For example, by pausing when you get near the point of coming, and repeating this several times a session, several times a week, for several weeks,with a clear intention to slow down your sexual responses, you will quickly develop much greater staying power and much greater endurance in bed. This means you have the ability to stay below the point of ejaculatory inevitability (which is colloquially known as the point of no return).

Some men with PE don’t actually know they’re going to ejaculate until moments before it happens.

This lack of awareness is because they’re not tuned into their body and the sensations that it’s giving them.

One of the reasons for this is that they’ve never learned to pay attention to their body during sex – their focus is somewhere else. Perhaps on taxes or baseball, trying to distract themselves from the mounting sense of losing control yet again!