You Can Control Premature Ejaculation
The simple truth is that comparatively few guys who have a rapid ejaculation problem will seek treatment for it, and this can lead to considerable discomfort, both emotional and physical, within a sexual relationship.
After all, the one thing premature ejaculation suggests is that a man doesn’t care about his partner sufficiently to find a cure for the problem and overcome it. For another, the woman may interpret his rapid ejaculation as an “abandonment”, since premature ejaculation tends to bring sex to an abrupt end, often when the couple are in the middle of intercourse, with the woman still feeling emotionally connected to her partner. And nothing is more important to a woman than the knowledge that her man loves her – the Lover archetype is a powerful force in the feminine psyche, and emotional wounding in the lover archetype here will always make a woman feel insecure.
However you regard it, therefore, premature ejaculation is an unfavorable sexual dysfunction to have within a relationship, and it’s to everybody’s advantage that a suitable treatment program should be found.
I’m glad to say that my sex therapist colleague Lloyd Lester has developed an extremely successful treatment for premature ejaculation, which I recommend highly. This treatment is based upon the principles of sex therapy, as used in a one-to-one clinical setting by sex therapists with their clients. He’s a bit of a Magician, is old Lloyd, being one of the most successful sex therapists on line. Read more about emotional wounding in the magician archetype here.
It takes several treatment approaches and blends them into a single effective and powerful strategy of overcoming premature ejaculation. The main components of this treatment program are:
1 Behavioral modification techniques to ensure the man has a behavioural repertoire that gives him the greatest chance of overcoming premature ejaculation.
2 Cognitive modification techniques using techniques such as NLP and self hypnosis to ensure that the man has sex with the maximum chance of overcoming any tendency whatsoever to ejaculate quickly.
3 Physiological techniques that allow the man to exercise greater control over his own arousal, including, for example, the use of the pubococcygeal muscle to control the rate at which his arousal increases, and to slowdown his approach to the point of ejaculatory inevitability. In this context, it’s worth mentioning that although many so-called authorities on the Internet have recommended squeezing the PC muscle as the man approaches the point of no return, regarding this perhaps as an effective strategy to control the premature ejaculation, the truth is – it’s a completely ineffectual way of controlling ejaculation, and simply doesn’t work.
The only way to use the PC muscle to control rapid ejaculation is to squeeze it gently in the run-up to the point of no return, and by doing this, a man will find his arousal diminishes, his erection softens, and the degree of excitement he’s feeling significantly lessens.
All of this information can be found in an excellent treatment program written by my colleague Lloyd Lester, which explains information here — it’s called Ejaculation by Command — and it really works well for men who aren’t fully aware of their level of arousal during intercourse, or who find that the speed at which they approach ejaculation seems uncontrollable, and far too rapid.
Premature ejaculation can certainly be a real handicap between man and woman in a relationship. It is only by seeking a cure, and sticking rigidly to the treatment protocols that a man is likely to stand any chance whatsoever of overcoming premature ejaculation; it when he does so, the rewards are far greater than you might expect, simply because sex is made so much more relaxed, and so much more enjoyable for both partners.
The outcome of treatment for premature ejaculation is usually extremely successful when the man and his partner both combine to take part in the treatment, and work as a team to ensure that man has the maximum chance of overcoming his sexual dysfunction.
Let me assure you that in all the treatment programs available on the Internet, I have never found such reliable and good information as is available in the one to which I have linked above. Lloyd Lester is an extremely experienced sex therapist, who I know personally, and with whom I have worked on many projects over the years.
He’s a researcher who has taken a great deal of trouble to investigate all of the currently recommended treatment programs for premature ejaculation, and has clearly identified the ones that work, combining them into a single holistic strategy that offers great hope for sexual pleasure for all men and women everywhere.
By examining the contents of his treatment program, Ejaculation by Command, you should be able to establish fairly rapidly which parts of it are suitable for you and your partner, and thereby you will be able to establish treatment protocol for yourselves which is ideally suited to your particular experience of premature ejaculation.
The author of programs available 24/7 to offer support and advice to all customers who have purchased this product; this is particularly valuable benefit for you, and should allow you to gain maximum advantage from the treatment program.
What I would say is that in the context of any treatment sexual dysfunction, it’s essential to ensure that you have adequate support, so do not attempt to solve the problem without the support of your partner, which is an essential prerequisite for all men who may find themselves seeking help for dysfunction.
Without the support of your partner, it’s unlikely that the treatment program will succeed, because the exercises which you engage in to ensure that you’re not going to ejaculate before your level of arousal is as high as it can possibly be, will be impossible to practice without her help.
in general, treatment for premature ejaculation is highly successful, and it’s surprising how few men actually seek help — apparently the average time for a man who has this dysfunction to seek help is six years, which is a truly shocking statistic, but perhaps understandable in view of the embarrassment and shame which it engenders.